Thursday, May 6, 2010

Elephant Man - CRIBS

What can I say about this clip. This video is definitely funnier than Ity and Fancy cat comedy show. I am having a very hard time describing this video but is one thing I'm sure of, IT FUNNY AS HELL.

Now how Elephantman fi sey he is a bird lover and don't even know the name of his birds. Ele talk to mi. You might not see the entire color for the house in this video since it was still under construction but you cant miss this multicolored house once you touch Smokeyvale side. It is the brightest house in Jamaica.

I watch this video like 20 times and couldn't stop laughing (LMAO). NO, Ele you need fi write a play or something. You house big still and you clearly love you granny. As for the dogs in the video, the MaiNGEY DWAG out of the lot is call 'JUCK GYAL'.

NO Ele you tek the cake. All who can't drink LIME, oh sorry, LEMONADE it name according to Ele in Hennessy a bat. Not a word said I, just watch.

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