Thursday, May 6, 2010

FLIPPA MAFIA - caught pan a boat

Everybody know the floss-er he is but jah know Flippa you couldn't just build. For a man who boast and brag about how him have whole heap a money and a dash it all bout, how can you face Jamaica now since dem catch you a steal wey pan boat.

When i was smaller mi granny use to tell mi bout people who run wey pan banana boat but mi neva know sey a big business now and it so expensive. $200,000+ Flippa?!! On top of that they are going to deport you baxide. No man, after all that brag and boast one would think you're a regular traveler. Never thought i would live to see this day.

I would love to see FLIPPA MAFIA coming back to JA as a deportee. That would be priceless! Will he have a Limo waiting for him or perhaps a GUCCI plastic bag with a one hot suit. Or will he come out of the airport dashing money in the air. Well a really hope if him have any money him fi dash it wey at the airport cause right now things look sticky for that new airline that tek over from Air J. Help dem out FLIPPA when you a come through, dem need all the help dem can get.

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